Monday, December 8, 2014

How to get likes on facebook status, posts

Well, Today I would write few lines for facebook lovers.

I have seen that people of young age have desire to get more and more likes and comments on their posts.

Why they want so??
Simply they want themselves seen popular to others. 

They even compete with friends. Over and above status having less number of likes or comments even after a long time it has been updated is not liked by others and vice versa. 

well whatever I have written is not concerned with all facebookies. 

Well, Need is the monther of invention
So people or say developers have found out a technique of like exchanging.

For this many sites have been launched.
They exchange likes. And a post can get more than 1000 likes easily.

I knew this before but i did not get time to write of this.

If you have personal account, you shouldn't use this because your account can even be hacked.

This trick is usually adopted by people who have to promote their page or they use facebook for business promotion.
A page has to struggle in the beginning and to escape of this promoters adopt this technique.

If you want to use this you can go to the like exchanger sites.

Likelo, official likers are one of them.

I hope you liked this and stay tuned for more updates. 

Thanks & Regards
Lokesh Kapoor

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